Damir KānePa’a : Meditation & Life Coaching | Wedding Officiating

Contact: (808) 854-7558 | info@kanepaa.org

Thank you for taking a big step towards a healthier and happier you.  

Whether you are looking for a officiant to your wedding or coaching in meditation or mindful living, you can count on Damir to navigate a variety of modalities like Hatha Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Taoism and I Ching to guide and inspire.

These reminders of ancient wisdom are more important than ever in a society where incessant inundation of stimulation and instant gratification leaves little space for sincere connection and personal growth.  Coming from disparate backgrounds of legal and spiritual study, Damir works to bridge the gulf between perceived opposites like reason and spirit, responsibility and enjoyment, commitment and desire.

All weddings are officiated on the Island of Maui and coaching sessions are via Zoom video conferencing, with easy payment via Venmo or Paypal.